Witryh has many manuals on all the important subjects of Yoga for the exclusive use of students in training. Neverthless, in order to spread this knowledge, the Witryh school has begun to edit books.
Books published so far are:
- The art of Partner Yoga
- The invocation, the Yoga of the soul
Books in preparation:
- Letters from a Essene Yogi
- The 144 Asanas of the Essene Yoga
- The 9 disciplines of the Essene Yoga
- Yoga Nidra
- The universal laws
- Essene Yoga Sutras
- The art of learning to die

The Art of Partner Yoga
- More than 500 full color photos.
- 305 photos of partner yoga plus its variants.
- A practical reference book for yoga teachers.
- A book of contemplation and mystical reading of Essene Yoga and Integral Yoga.
- A book of Hatha Yoga with its basic, creative, theoretical and innovative principles.
- A book without dogmas, bearer of responses to the path that leads to the Divine.
- A book created to bring wisdom and create joy.
- A book that was born on Christmas Eve, under the auspices of the Master of Masters, Jhasua; the yogi of peace, Krishna; and the Master of meditation, Buddha.
Price of the book: 40 euros.
You can buy it in any bookstore or by calling (+34) 627 498 558.

Invocation, the Yoga of the Soul
- A very useful book for those who want to use the force of thought correctly, for their human and spiritual evolution.
- 85 invocations with over 100 full color photos of students and teachers meditating and practicing on Witryh Mountain. It is the product of 30 years of research, practice and meditation on the power of invocation.
- This book helps your thoughts raise their vibration, your feelings awaken devotion, and your soul learn the meaning of meditation.
- Invocation is the language of the soul that aspires to merge with the Divine Invisible and it is the greatest power possessed by the human being.
- This book explains how to use invocation, resolution (Sankalpa) and prayer properly, effectively and directly.
- This work is a manual that gives you a formula and 85 examples for you to practice.
- The invocation allows you to acquire the necessary self-control to harmonize your life and for your soul to be the conductor of your existence.
Description: It is a hardcover book, almost 300 pages, full color and rings inside.
Price of the book: 38 euros.
You can buy it in any bookstore or by calling (+34) 627 498 558.